Can the player open and be controlled using a keyboard?

You can start the ReadSpeaker by using the keybord via an accesskey. In the implementation we suggest to use "L" as accesskey.
Since the control panel is built in html, you can use tab/shift+tab to navigate in the control panel and press enter to activate a certain button or link.

How to use the accesskey depends on your bowser,

  • Internet Explorer: Hold down the ALT key, press the number or letter of the access key, release both keys then press ENTER
  • Firefox: Hold down both SHIFT and ALT plus the access key. There’s no need to hit ENTER.
  • Chrome: Hold down both SHIFT and ALT plus the access key. There’s no need to hit ENTER.
  • Safari on a Mac: Press the CTRL or Control key together with the number or letter of the access key. There’s no need to hit ENTER.
  • Opera: Pressing SHIFT and ESC together lists all access keys available on the page. You then just press the key. So to get to the home page on this site you go SHIFT ESC, release them then press 1

Where do you suggest we put the Listen button?

We recommend that you place the Listen button close to the heading of the content that you want read so that there is an immediate mental link between the content and the Listen button.

You can find more information in our Best Practice article.

What content should my Listen buttons read?

We recommend that you configure the Listen buttons to read the text content/block of your pages. If the user wants to listen to the navigation elements that are outside the reading area, he/she can use the feature to preselect text before the Listen button is clicked. If you want to have a separate Listen button for the navigation, you can add additional buttons to your page.
Please read more under "How do I do to get more than one button per page?"

What do I do if an error message is displayed?

These are the error messages generated from Enterprise:

Error message Reason/Solution
Access denied. The service is used on a page that is not authorized in your account. Contact your sales representative for additional domains.
Invalid customer ID given. Check that you're using the accurate customer ID in the call.
No language found. Check that you're using the accurate language code in the lang parameter. The available languages in your account can be found in your account details.
No voice found. Check that you're using the accurate voice code in the voice parameter.

What is website verification and access control?

Since you subscribe to ReadSpeaker for a specific website or domain, the pages that are to be read by ReadSpeaker need to be reachable on this agreed domain. This to prevent the service from being misused. If you have implemented ReadSpeaker to read a page on another domain you will not hear any sound, or receive an error message.

For more information about the access control, please contact your sales representitive.

What domains are added to my account?

The agreed domains can be found in your account information in the portal under "Access Control settings". If you need to add more domains (eg. for testing) please contact your sales represenative at ReadSpeaker.

Does ReadSpeaker Enterprise Highlighting work on mobile websites?

Yes, you can implement ReadSpeaker Enterprise Highlighting on a mobile website by following exactly the same steps as for a website. Please make sure that your mobile website domain has been authorized with the ReadSpeaker sales representative you are in contact with.

Does ReadSpeaker Enterprise Highlighting work behind login?

Yes, to enable this we have a few options. The three most common solutions are:

  1. You open up for our IP range so our servers are allowed to reach pages without password.
  2. If you use cookies, it is possible to setup a pseudo domain that points to our server, a DNS alias pointing to Then the cookies will be forwarded to us and we will forward the cookie when we retrieve the page.
  3. If you use HTTP authentication and the same password and username is always used, we can store them in our customer database and ReadSpeaker can send them along with the page request.

If you want to use one of the methods above, please contact for more details.

If none of the above solutions works for you, please contact so we can investigate other alternatives.

Why is the wrong page read?

Make sure that the URL in the call is accurate. If the page that is to be read is password protected, ReadSpeaker needs to be granted access to it. Otherwise ReadSpeaker will read the page that it is redirected to.

Why is the full page read and not only the main text content of the page?

Make sure that you have defined the reading area correctly. The ID attribute of the element containing the content that is to be read have to be the same as the value of the &readid-parameter in the call to ReadSpeaker.

If this div will be used as the reading area

<div id="maincontent">

This is how the readid-parameter needs to look like


Why doesn't ReadSpeaker read anything?

To find out what might be causing the problem, a good start is to find out if any error message has been generated.
To get the error message, simply copy the ReadSpeaker call from your code and paste it into the address field of a web browser.

You can also click the "no sound!" link if it appears over the player.

Please find our Error messages here

What can I do if I find words that are not pronounced correctly?

We can create customized dictionaries that take into account words that are specific to your industry jargon that are not well read.
For example, this sometimes happens with acronyms and abbreviations. We can then work on your customized dictionary to have your words pronounced correctly.

How can I prevent JavaScript from breaking when ReadSpeaker is active?

If you have Javascript content inside the reading area these objects can break when ReadSpeaker is active.
This is because we add temporary HTML code to be able to highlight the content that is going to be read.

However, we have built a solution to solve this kind of issues. By adding the class="rs_preserve" to the object that breaks when ReadSpeaker is active, we attempt to preserve it. This means that highlighting will not be added to that object.
If it contains text, the text will still be read. If you don't want the content to be read at all we recommend that you also add our class "rs_skip".


<div class="rs_preserve">This div will not be highlighted by ReadSpeaker, but it will be read.</div>

Please note that you can not use rs_preserve inside an element that is already have rs_preserve added. If you have an element with the class "rs_preserve" inside another element with the class "rs_preserve" the second element will disappear when ReadSpeaker is activated.


<div class="rs_preserve">This div will not be highlighted by ReadSpeaker, but it will be read.
<div class="rs_preserve">This div will disappear when ReadSpeaker is activated.</div>

What do I do if the text-size and font changes when highlighting starts?

This can be resolved by using the following CSS-rules on your pages.

.sync_sent, .sync_word, .sync_word_highlighted, .sync_sent_highlighted {
   font-size:inherit !important; 
   font-family:inherit !important;

How can I make ReadSpeaker read text that is not displayed

To have text read that is actually not displayed on the page you can add a unique HTML comment like

<!-- INTRO_TEXT_1 -->

or an empty element with a unique class or id and send us the text that you would like to have read and we make a special customization for you.

This can be useful if you want to have a special welcome message on the start page or if you want to give special information to the users using the audio version of your web content, like advertisement or sponsor messages.

How can I make ReadSpeaker ignore certain parts of a page from being read?

To ignore certain parts of a page you can use the class="rs_skip". When adding that class to a tag, the whole element will be ignored by ReadSpeaker.


<p class="rs_skip">This paragraph will not be read by ReadSpeaker</p>

How do I do to get more than one button per page?

If more than one button is needed on a page, duplicate the button code. For each button there are entities that has to be unique.

  • Modify the
    <div id="readspeaker_button1" class="rs_skip rsbtn rs_preserve">


    <div id="readspeaker_button2" class="rs_skip rsbtn rs_preserve">
  • Modify the parameter &amp;readid=[READID] for each button where [READID] is the id of a DIV that you want to be read.

How do I change the name of the mp3 file?

It's possible to alter the name of the mp3 file using the parameter audiofilename= in the call. This is convenient when a user wants to save the mp3 file. The value can, as a suggestion, be the title of an article. Usually the title is a variable in the CMS system you are using.

Example: To name the file as xyz.mp3 use


Important notes about mp3 file name

  • The value of 'audiofilename' may only consist of the charaters0-9,a-z,- and _
  • Do not use the extension .mp3 in the value of audiofilename since it is added automatically by the application.

Why is the content read with the wrong voice or language?

Check that the correct lang and voice parameters are used, and that the intended voice is available in you account.

How do I select different languages?

If you have a contract for more than one language, you can select language by changing the lang-parameter:
read in French


or read American English


For more information about available languages, please contact your sales representative or support contact at ReadSpeaker.

How do I select different voices?

If you have a contract for more than one voice for a language, you can select voice by adding the voice-parameter:
Example: use the American English male voice Paul:


Note: You must also set the correct &amp;lang parameter to define the language as described above

For more information about available voices, please contact your sales representative or support contact at ReadSpeaker.

Can I switch between different languages on a page?

Yes, ReadSpeaker Enterprise can automatically switch between different languages when reading a text.
Please note that there are some limitations with which languages and voices that can be used.

Automatic Lanugage Switch Demo

Please contact your sales representative at ReadSpeaker or for more information.

Can I switch between male and female voice?

Yes, ReadSpeaker Enterprise can automatically switch between two voices of different genders of the same language when reading a text.
Please note that there are some limitations with which languages and voices that can be used.

Voice Switch Demo

Please contact your sales representative at ReadSpeaker or for more information.

How do I know the current URL?

usually, the full url to the current page is stored as a variable in your CMS system. If that is not the case, you can use the methods below to determine the url to the current page. The server side scripts (PHP, ASP or JSP) are preferred for accessibility purposes.

Example in PHP:

<?php $pageURL = "http://".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; ?>

Example in ASP:

<% pageURL = "http://" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") %>

What is URL encoding?

URL encoding converts characters into a format that can be safely transmitted over the internet. URLs can only be sent over the Internet using the ASCII character-set. Since URLs often contains characters outside the ASCII set, the URL has to be converted. URL encoding converts the URL into a valid ASCII-format.

URL encoding replaces unsafe ASCII characters with "%" followed by two hexadecimal digits corresponding to the characters values in the ISO-8859-1 character-set. URLs cannot contain spaces. URL encoding normally replaces a space with a + sign.

Why is URL-encoding needed?

When a URL points to some kind of web application, it is often necessary to transfer information to that application. A common way is to transfer such parameters via the query string, the part of the url after a "?". If the parameter that shall be transferred is a URL itself, and that URL also contains parameters, we get a collision. It would be impossible for the application receiving the URL to know what parameters belong to this application and what parameters belong to the URL itself. To handle this, certain characters in the transferred URL parameter need to be translated to something else so that no ambiguities apply. This is especially true for characters like &, % and ?. This translation is referred to as url encoding or url escaping.

How do I URL-encode URLs?

If the URL-encoded url is not reachable as a variable in your CMS, you can use any of the methods below. The server side scripts (PHP, ASP or JSP) are preferred for accessibility purposes.

  • Example in PHP:
    <?php echo urlencode("http://".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); ?>
  • Example in ASP:
    <% Server.URLEncode("http://" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")) %>