Set the default reading speed Example of changing the default reading speed
ReadSpeaker and cookies Example of changing the cookie settings
ReadSpeaker text-selection popup-icon Example of changing the settings for the popup-icon
Setting custom text phrases Example of changing the default ReadSpeaker text phrases

Set the default reading speed

ReadSpeaker supports two ways of changing the speed. One is to add an extra parameter to the link in the Listen-button, the parameter to add is &speed=100 (where 100 is default speed, can be scaled between 10 and 200) and it can be added anywhere in the link.

This code example sets the speed to 100% which is the default speed.

The other way is to set a configuration item for the script, this can be done by setting a variable rsConf.general.defaultSpeedValue. This will change the speed for all buttons on a page, unlike the speed-parameter in the link which only changes the speed for that specific button. The default value is 100, but it can be scaled between 10 and 200.

<script type="text/javascript">
window.rsConf = {
	general: {
		defaultSpeedValue: 80

This code example sets the speed to 80%.

ReadSpeaker and cookies

Cookies lifetime
To save user settings in-between sessions, ReadSpeaker stores the information in a cookie. The default time the cookie is stored on the user’s computer is 360 000 000 milliseconds (a little over 4 days). It can be adjusted by changing the rsConf.general.cookieLifetime configuration item. If this is set to null, the cookie will be used as a session-only cookie. Which means that it’s not stored on the user’s computer after the browser is closed.
Note: Some browsers have functionality for restoring previous sessions when starting. This might cause session-only cookies to be restored as well. This is something that is handled entirely by the browser and is not something ReadSpeaker can control.

<script type="text/javascript">
window.rsConf = {
	general: {
		cookieLifetime: null

This code example sets the cookie as a session only cookie.

Cookie name
The ReadSpeaker-cookie is named “ReadSpeakerSettings” by default, but this can be changed by changing the configuration item rsConf.general.cookieName.

<script type="text/javascript">
window.rsConf = {
	general: {
		cookieName: 'RS_Settings'

This code example sets the cookiename to “RS_Settings”.

Enabling the popup-icon
When a user selects text on a page a popup-icon will display which users can click to have the selected text read. This is turned on by default but can be disabled by setting the configuration item rsConf.settings.hlicon to ‘iconoff”.

<script type="text/javascript">
window.rsConf = {
	settings: {
		hlicon: 'iconoff'

This code example disabled the popupicon from displaying when selecting text.

Popup-icon lifespan
The Popup-icon is set to display for 2000 milliseconds/2 seconds by default, this can be adjusted by changing the configuration item rsConf.general.popupCloseTime.

<script type="text/javascript">
window.rsConf = {
	general: {
		popupCloseTime: 4000

This code example sets the popup icon to be displayed for 4000 milliseconds/4seconds.

Popup-icon compact mode
The popup-icon displays only an icon by default. It can be set to display the word “Listen” next to the icon by setting the configuration item rsConf.general.useCompactPopupButton to false.

<script type="text/javascript">
window.rsConf = {
	general: {
		useCompactPopupButton: false

This code example will make the word “Listen” appear next to the popupicon.

Setting custom text phrases

ReadSpeaker uses a set of default phrases which appear when hovering over buttons and in the settingsmenu. These phrases can be changed by configuring the rsConf.phrases configuration items.

<script type="text/javascript">
window.rsConf = {
	phrases: {
		en_us: {
			play: 'Start audio',
			pause: 'Pause audio',
			stop: 'Stop audio',
			volume: 'Change volume',
			settings: 'Change settings',
			closeplayer: 'Close the audioplayer',
			download: 'Download the sound as an mp3'

This example sets the titles when hovering over the play, pause, stop and other buttons.